Setup Instructions

Before you can use ReviewFilter there are a few things you will need to setup. Firstly login to ReviewFilter with your credentials using the following link

Video guides on how to setup and use ReviewFliter can be found on the video tutorial page.

  1. Business Settings

    From the Home screen click on “Settings” and then “Business Settings”. At the bottom of the screen click “Edit”. Check all your business details are correct. The “Email” field is the address you will receive notifications of new reviews.

    You will need to upload a logo for your business which will be used on the Review Request webpage that your customers will see. Click on “Change Logo”. We recommend that you upload a .jpeg or .png with a white or transparent background. Ideal dimensions would be around 250px x 250px.

  2. Email Templates

    From the “Settings” screen click “Email Templates”. From here you can edit the text in the initial review request email and the reminder email. To edit either of the emails click on the “Edit” link.

    By clicking on the “Help” button you can see a list of merge fields that you can use in the email.

    If you delete the “Click here to submit feedback” link it is very important you include the [REVIEW_URL] merge field somewhere in your email. This is the link that the customer will click to submit their feedback. Without it they won’t be able to do so!

    For advance users you can click on the “Source view” button which will give you full control over the html markup of the email.

    Once you have finished making changes click the “Save” button.

  3. SMS Templates

    To edit the SMS templates go to “Settings” > “SMS Templates”. Click edit and then make your changes. Make sure you include the [REVIEW_URL] somewhere in your text. Click the “Save” button to save your changes.

  4. Web Page Templates

    Edit the Web Page Templates by going to “Settings” > “Web Page Templates”. From this screen you can edit and preview each page. The “Review Request Page” is the first page that your customers will see when they click the link in your email of SMS message.Depending on whether the feedback is positive, negative or neutral will dictate which page the customer will see next. You should edit the text on these pages to closer represent your business and complaints policy.

    You will need to upload a logo for your business which will be used on the Review Request webpage that your customers will see. Click on “Change Logo”. We recommend that you upload a .jpeg or .png with a white or transparent background. Ideal dimensions would be around 250px x 250px.

  5. Feedback Settings

    Go to “Settings” > “Feedback Settings” From this page you can adjust your feedback settings.

    Feedback Settings

    The following default settings mean:-

    Star Rating Threshold = 3 (out of 5). This means anything above 3 will be treated as a positive review. Anything below 3 will be treated as negative. A rating of 3 will be treated a a neutral review. With a threshold of 3 only 4 and 5 star reviews will be pushed toward public review sites.

    Reminder Email Attempts = 1. The number of times a customer will receive a reminder email or sms after the original feedback request email/sms.

    Email Delay = 60. This is the delay in hours between the initial feedback request email/sms and the reminder email/sms.
    Enable Email = Yes. Review requests will be sent using email.

    Enable SMS = No. Review requests will not be sent using sms.

    Although it is possible to send review requests simultaneously by email and sms we suggest you enable one or the other. Generally, hotels would use email and restaurants may use sms if they dont capture customer email address's.

  6. Review Sites

    In order to select which Review Sites you direct your customers to on a positive review go to “Settings” > “Review Sites”.

    From this screen you can change which sites you want to push positive reviews to. We recommend you enable a maximum of 3 at any time. You can of course change these at any time should you need to push more reviews to a particular site.

    review sites screenshot

    To edit and enable a site click on the “Edit” link. You need to change the “URL” to the review page of your business on the particular site. To enable the site check the “Enabled” check-box and then click “Save”.

    For Google you will need to follow the instructions here to get the correct URL

  7. SMS Credits

    If you are sending review requests via SMS you will need to purchase a bundle of SMS credits. To do this or to check your balance go to “Settings” > “SMS Credits”.